NAMI Movie Series “People Say I’m Crazy”

NAMI Westchester Presents A Documentary screening of

“People Say I’m Crazy”

Directed by John Cadigan, produced by Academy Award Winner Ira Wohl and Katie Cadigan

February 16, 2017
The Picture House. 175 Wolfs Lane, Pelham, NY 10803
Doors open 6:00 p.m. – Screening begins at 6:15 p.m.

Panel Discussion to follow screening with leading professionals in the field of schizophrenia and individuals living in recovery.

Tickets $15 per person
Tickets must be purchased in advance
To purchase tickets go to
by February 12, 2017

“People Say I’m Crazy” is a documentary about schizophrenia made by someone with schizophrenia. This film tells the story of a young man, John Cadigan, who develops schizophrenia at age 21 while attending college. Initially devasted by his diagnosis, John eventually finds appropriate treatment and works his way into recovery, with the help of family and friends. The spotlight is also turned on John’s family as they struggle to understand John’s disease. With courage and love, the family learns how to support John in his efforts to resume living an independent and fulfilling life. To view the trailer, go to: 

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