Members… Your participation in committee activities is welcome. Please contact the chair. Christina DiGiovanni (see bottom of page) will have contact information.
Special Committees Chartered by the President:
Aging: Carlo Bayrakdarian, Chair
Child and Adolescent Committee: Elizabeth Ortiz-Schwartz, Chair
Disaster Preparedness: Susan Stabinsky, Chair
Early Career Psychiatrists: Reba Bindra, Chair
Economics Committee: James Kelleher, MD, Chair.
Gender Issues Committee: Steven Rachlin, Chair.
Membership and Fellowship: Barbara Goldblum, Chair. This committee reviews membership applications and encourages application for Fellow status.
Members In Training: Roshinie Fernando, M.D. and Maria Nieves, M.D.
Psychiatric Services Committee: Hugh Cummings, Chair.
Private Practice: Arthur Lew, Chair.
Psychiatry and the Law: Edward Hermann, MD Chair.
Public Affairs Committee: C. Deborah Cross, MD Chair.
MRDD Committee: Rob Grambau, MD
Standing Committees Required in Our Bylaws:
Nominating Committee: C. Deborah Cross, MD, Chair
Ethics Committee: L. Mark Russakoff MD, Chair
Program Committee: Program Coordinator is chair
Membership Retention & Recruitment Committee: Vanessa Hiraldo, Chair. Managing our recruitment drive.
Constitution and Bylaws Committee: Currently inactive after passage of revised bylaws.
Legislative Committee: Legislative Representative is chair.
Membership Mediation Committee: Barbara Goldblum, Chair